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Breeder List
Closed & Inactive
Here you'll find a list of all inactive or closed kennels. Kennels will be marked possibly inactive after more than 8 weeks of no activity, and then moved to the inactive list after more than 16 weeks of no activity or if asked to be marked as such by the owners.
We feel that it's important to maintain this record and will not be removing kennel names from this list, but as we cannot guarantee that kennels sites/threads will continue to be active or that the links won't be reassigned to another site they will not remain linked.
Inactive | Millie Rose Henderson | European | Various rehomed |
Inactive | Ivory Rose Homestead | American | Inactive |
Closed | Dreamies Kennel | European | Inactive |
Closed | Greywood Kennel | American, European | Inactive |
Inactive | Vanquish Dogs | American | Inactive |
Inactive | Incantevole Fiaba | American | Inactive |
Inactive | Moon Burrow Kennel | American | Inactive |
Inactive | King's Crown Kennel | European | Offspring active |
Inactive | Seastar Treasuries Kennel | American | Inactive |
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